
稱重法透濕性測試標准ASTM E96 概要

來源:Labthink蘭光 | 日期:2011-01-18

摘要 本文詳細介紹了 ASTM E 96 的內容,並對於關鍵測試部分以及關鍵技術參數給予了詳細的介紹。
關鍵詞 稱重法,增重法,減重法,透濕杯,測試環境,密封
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透濕性指標是包裝材料的主要性能指標之一。隨著人們對產品防潮、防水重視程度的增加,阻濕性能更優的包裝材料(即包裝材料的透濕性更小)已經成為包裝材料開發和使用的重點,近幾年受到越來越多的關注。包裝商、材料供應商、產品制造商以及各檢測機構紛紛引進透濕性檢測設備,加強對包裝材料透濕性能測試的力度。現在市場上銷售的透濕性測試儀的主要有稱重法(Cup Method)透濕儀和傳感器法透濕儀兩大類。

  ASTM E96 是稱重法測試標准之一,它不但詳細介紹了在其它標准中常見的增重法(Desiccant Method),而且還介紹了在透濕性測試領域中與增重法具有同等地位的減重法(Water Method)。



  The purpose of these tests is to obtain, by means of simple apparatus, reliable values of water vapor transfer through permeable and semipermeable materials, expressed in suitable units. These values are for use in design, manufacture, and marketing.(進行這些試驗是為了通過簡單的設備獲得可信的可滲透材料以及半滲透材料的水蒸氣透過值。這些測試值將用於設計、生產以及商貿。)


  ASTM E 96將增重法和減重法都視為基礎測試方法。The test methods are limited to specimens not over 11/4in. ( 32mm ) in thickness……Two basic methods, the Desiccant Method and the Water Method, are provided for the measurement of permeance.(這兩種試驗方法可用於檢測厚度不大於 11/4in.(32mm)的試樣……增重法和減重法兩種基本方法都可以用來檢測試樣的水蒸氣透過系數。)

  In the Desiccant Method the test specimen is sealed to the open mouth of a test dish containing a desiccant, and the assembly placed in a controlled atmosphere. Periodic weighings determine the rate of water vapor movement through the specimen into the desiccant.(在增重法中,試樣被密封在裝有乾燥劑的透濕杯杯口處,然後將整套透濕杯組件放在控制環境中。對透濕杯進行周期性稱重來確定透過試樣被乾燥劑吸收的水蒸氣透過率。)增重法測試原理可參見圖1。


圖 1. 增重法測試原理

  In the Water Method, the dish contains distilled water, and the weighings determine the rate of vapor movement through the specimen from the water to the controlled atmosphere.(在減重法中,透濕杯中盛有蒸餾水,通過稱重數據確定從蒸餾水一側滲透通過試樣進入控制環境中的水蒸氣透過率。)圖2 為減重法測試原理圖。


圖 2. 減重法測試原理

  The vapor pressure difference is nominally the same in both methods except in the variation, with extremes of humidity on opposite sides.(兩種測試方法的水蒸氣壓差相同,都是試樣一側極濕而另一側極乾,只是水蒸氣壓差相對於試樣的方向有變化。)

  這裡需要對稱重法的適用范圍加以說明: ASTM E 96不僅適用於檢測塑料薄膜、紙張、纖維板等包裝材料的水蒸氣透過率,而且還可以檢測gypsum(石膏)、plaster products(石膏制品)、wood products(木材制品)的透濕性,因此標准中對試樣的厚度要求非常寬松。對於很厚的試樣,防止試樣出現邊緣泄漏是最重要的一點。但是在包材檢測領域中很少會有很厚的試樣,因此在之後的標准介紹中就不再涉及這種厚度過大的建材檢測及其使用的相應設施,盡管這些也是ASTM E 96的一部分內容。


  進行稱重法試驗至少需要以下 3部分設備組件:透濕杯、測試環境、以及稱重系統。

  3.1 透濕杯

  The test dish shall be of any noncorroding material, impermeable to water or water vapor. It may be of any shape. Light weight is desirable. A large, shallow dish is preferred, but its size and weight are limited when an analytical balance is chosen to detect small weight changes.(透濕杯應采用任何不腐蝕的、並且水或水蒸氣無法滲透的材料。它可以是任意的形狀。最好重量輕。首選透濕杯是大而淺的杯子,但是選定了用於檢測微小重量變化的分析天平後它的尺寸和重量也就受到了一定的限制。)Different depths may be used for the Desiccant Method and Water Method, but a 3/4in. ( 19mm ) depth ( below the mouth ) is satisfactory for either method.(用於增重法和減重法的透濕杯深度可以不同,但一般深度在(杯口之下) 3/4in.(19mm)對於兩種試驗方法都很合適。)


  3.2 測試環境

  在 ASTM E 96中使用測試腔來實現測試環境,要求溫度保持在±1℃之內,濕度保持在±2%RH之內。Air shall be continuously circulated throughout the chamber, with a velocity sufficient to maintain uniform conditions at all test locations.(應在測試腔中保持空氣的持續循環,空氣循環的速度應能足以保持所有的測試位置狀態均一。)一般來講,由於進行透濕性測試的試驗溫度多要高於實驗室環境溫度,所以采用單加熱的方式來控溫的比較多。

  3.3 稱重系統

  ASTM E 96 中是采用分析天平對透濕杯進行稱重的,當然也可以采用其它的稱重方式。標准中對分析天平的靈敏度有一定的要求:The balance shall be sensitive to a change smaller than 1% of the weight change during the period when a steady state is considered to exist.(當認為水蒸氣的滲透已經進入穩定狀態後,天平對重量變化的靈敏度要小於在一段時間內重量變化的1%。)因此,如果你采用的分析天平的靈敏度較高,那麼相應的稱重間隔時間就可以比較短,如果你采用的分析天平的靈敏度較低,相應的稱重間隔時間就要延長了很多。采用高精度分析天平或是其它的高精度稱重系統,對提高試樣的透濕性測試精度以及縮短試驗時間都是有益的。


  The material shall be sampled in accordance with standard methods of sampling applicable to the material under test. The sample shall be of uniform thickness. If the material is of nonsymmetrical construction, the two faces shall be designated by distinguishing marks.(應按照當前試樣的相關取樣標准進行材料試樣的制取。試樣應厚度均一。如果試樣為非對稱結構,應使用指定符號對試樣兩面加以區分。)Test specimen shall be representative of the material tested.(測試試樣應該能夠代表當前測試的材料。)在ASTM E 96 中對在不同情況下的試樣制取數目以及試驗方式都有詳細規定。

  Attach the specimen to the dish by sealing ( and clamping if desired ) in such a manner that the dish mouth defines the area of the specimen exposed to the vapor pressure in the dish. Thoroughly seal the edges of the specimen to prevent the passage of vapor into, or out of, or around the specimen edges or any portion thereof.(通過密封(如果需要可用夾緊方式)將試樣與透濕杯裝夾在一起,這樣透濕杯的杯口就確定了試樣的試驗面積。完全密封試樣的邊緣以防止水蒸氣進入、離開、在試樣邊緣周圍或它的任何部分。)



  密封圈密封的適應性、可操作性要比蠟封好的多。Gasketed types of seals are also in use on appropriately designed dishes. These simplify the mounting of the specimen, but must be used with caution, since the possibility of edge leakage is greater with gasketed seals than with wax seals.(使用密封圈的密封方式在一些設計適當的透濕杯中也有應用。這簡化了試樣的裝備,但應小心使用,因為使用密封圈的密封方式出現邊緣泄漏的可能性比使用密封蠟要大。)

裝夾完成的試樣可參見圖 4。


圖 4. 減重法試樣裝夾示意圖



  5.1 增重法的試驗過程

  Fill the test dish with desiccant……Leave enough space so that shaking of the dish, which must be done at each weighing, will mix the desiccant. Attach the specimen to the dish and place it in the controlled chamber……Weigh the dish assembly periodically, often enough to provide eight or ten data points during the test. At first the weight may change rapidly; later a steady state will be reached where the rate of change is substantially constant.(向透濕杯中添加乾燥劑……留出足夠的空間以滿足搖動透濕杯混合杯內乾燥劑的目的,這一步是每次稱重都必須要做的。將試樣裝夾在透濕杯上,並將裝夾有試樣的透濕杯放進測試腔中……對透濕杯進行周期性稱重,需要在整個試驗中獲得8到10組數據。一開始重量可能會迅速變化;之後會達到一個(滲透)穩定的狀態,這時的變化率就非常穩定了。)

  5.2 減重法的試驗過程

  Fill the test dish with distilled water……The air space thus allowed has a small vapor resistance, but it is necessary in order to reduce the risk of water touching the specimen when the dish is handled. Such contact invalidates a test on some materials such as paper, wood, or other hygroscopic materials. Attach the specimen to the dish. Weigh the dish assembly and place it in the controlled chamber on a true horizontal surface.(向透濕杯中添加蒸餾水……留出的空氣隙可有很小的水蒸氣阻抗性能,但是空氣隙的存在可減小在處理透濕杯時水接觸到試樣的風險。這種接觸可以使得對一些材料的試驗直接無效,例如紙張、木材、以及其它吸濕性材料。將試樣裝夾在透濕杯上。稱量試樣、透濕杯組合的重量並將它放置在測試腔中絕對水平的表面上。)之後的試驗過程與增重法完全一致:對透濕杯進行周期性稱重,直至重量變化率保持恆定。


  ASTM E 96將試驗過程分為增重法和減重法兩部分介紹,但是數據處理方法是一致的。

  Calculate the water vapor transmission, and permeance as follow.(按照下式計算水蒸氣透過率和水蒸氣透過系數。)


  • G = weight change ( from the straight line ), g(從直線段獲得的重量變化量,單位是g)
  • t = time, h(時間,單位為h)
  • G/t = slope of the straight line, g/h(直線段的斜率,單位是g/h)
  • A = test area ( cup mouth area ), m2(測試面積(杯口面積),單位是m2
  • WVT = rate of water vapor transmission, g/h·m2(水蒸氣透過率,單位是g/h·m2


  • p = vapor pressure difference, mmHg(水蒸氣壓差,單位是mmHg)
  • S = saturation vapor pressure at test temperature, mmHg(在試驗溫度下的飽和蒸汽壓,單位是mmHg)
  • R 1 = relative humidity at the source expressed as a fraction ( the test chamber for desiccant method; in the dish for water method )(在水蒸氣一側的相對濕度,表示為百分數(對於增重法是指測試腔中的相對濕度,對於減重法是指透濕杯中的相對濕度))
  • R 2 = relative humidity at the vapor sink expressed as a fraction(在水蒸氣吸收側的相對濕度,表示為百分數)

  處理數據通常有兩種方式:一種是圖形分析,另一種是數字分析。當然現在結合最先進的計算機數據分 析處理,不但可以將精確稱重采點的間隔無限縮小,更能“圖文並茂”地進行數據分析, Labthink TSY-T1和TSY-T3的監控軟件(參見圖5)不但具有強大的數據分析采集功能,而且還具有作圖、數據統計分析等功能。


圖 5. Labthink TSY-T3監控軟件


  6.1 測試環境的選擇

  A permeance value obtained under one set of test conditions may not indicate the value under a different set of conditions. For this reason, the test conditions should be selected that most closely approach the conditions of use.(在一組試驗條件下得到的水蒸氣透過系數值不一定能表示試樣在其它不同的試驗條件下的水蒸氣透過系數值。因此,所選擇的試驗條件應該是最接近實際使用條件的。)在ASTM E 96的附錄中給出了幾組標准的試驗條件以供用戶選擇。

  6.2 試樣裝夾可能引起誤差

  When the specimen area is larger than the mouth area, this overlay upon the ledge is a source of error, particularly for thick specimens. The overlay material results in a positive error, indicating excessive water vapor transmission. The magnitude of the error is a complex function of the thickness, ledge width, mouth area, and possibly the permeability.(當試樣面積大於杯口面積時,試樣在透濕杯邊緣的覆蓋就成為一個誤差來源,尤其是對於較厚的試樣。試樣覆蓋將導致一個正向誤差,表示有額外的水蒸氣透過。誤差的大小是試樣厚度、邊緣寬度、杯口面積、可能還包括水蒸氣透過量的綜合影響。)

  6.3 試驗時間


  6.4 dummy試樣

  When results of water vapor transmission are expected to be less than 0.05 perm, a dummy specimen is strongly recommended. Such a dummy specimen should be attached to an empty cup in the normal manner. The environmental effects of temperature variation and buoyancy variability due to barometric pressure fluctuation can be arithmetically tared out of the weighing values. This precaution permits earlier and more reliable achievement of equilibrium conditions.(如果預計試樣的水蒸氣透過系數低於0.05 perm(本標准中1 perm是5.7×10 -11 kg/Pa·s·m2),強烈推薦使用dummy試樣。將試樣按照通常的裝夾方法裝夾在空透濕杯上。溫度變化以及由於大氣壓變化引起的浮力變化的這些環境影響可以在稱重數據中去除掉。這樣做可使得判斷進入平衡狀態的時間更早而且更加可靠。)As a further precaution when gasketed seals are used instead of preferred sealants, a blank test run is suggested using glass or metal as a dummy specimen.(當使用密封圈來代替首選的密封劑,建議使用玻璃或是金屬作為dummy試樣進行空白試驗。)


  ASTM E 96是目前編寫全面的稱重法測試標准之一,現做簡要總結:稱重法分為增重法和減重法兩種,它們的測試原理相同;透濕杯、測試環境、稱重系統是完成稱重法的三大主要元件,缺一不可;試樣裝夾過程繁雜,裝夾效果卻直接影響試驗結果;dummy試樣的試驗結果對試驗結果的分析及計算影響很大,采用專業軟件將提供強大的數據分析功能。